

Matthias Meyer first joined our family company in 1971. Marking the 4th generation in the family company dedicated to music instruments, he recognized the signs of the times and continuously expanded the services offered by MUSIK MEYER. Matthias Meyer has run the company on behalf of the family with the support of his wife, Elisabeth, since 1980. Values such as a sound business strategy, reliability and an ambitious mindset based on partnership have always played a key role. That focus was and remains the guarantee for the successful market positioning of brands distributed by MUSIK MEYER.

Matthias Meyer


Elisabeth Meyer


MUSIK MEYER has been a permanent fixture in the global music instruments industry for over seven decades. The MUSIK MEYER name is a globally established brand and is synonymous with reliability, partnership and progress. The current executive management is continuing on this path and taking on the challenges faced by all players in the music instruments industry without losing sight of the historic strengths achieved over the past seven decades. As is the case for many of the brands we represent, successfully uniting tradition with innovation remains our core focus at MUSIK MEYER.

Sascha Erber

Executive Director

Wolfgang Hoffmann

Executive Director

Susanne Peters

Executive Director

MUSIK MEYER Switzerland

The Group maintains a presence in Switzerland with its subsidiary MUSIK MEYER AG at its head office in Urdorf/Zurich. Employees from both companys work closely together on a daily basis and at all levels to optimally market the brands in Switzerland.

Marco Rauch

Managing Director

MUSIK MEYER Switzerland

Brand Unit Directors

The flexibility, specialized expertise and passion for our products found within our brand units meet the strengths of the growing MUSIK MEYER: vigor, proven quality checks and efficient logistics. Our Units are the face of MUSIK MEYER, headed by the Brand Unit Directors:

Ralph Vogler

Brand Unit Director

Marc Laukel

Brand Unit Director

Frank Sawusch

Brand Unit Director

Michael Baader

Brand Unit Director

Wolfgang Hoffmann

Executive Director

MUSIK MEYER International

Central Logistics and Services Team Leads

The Brand Units benefit from the MUSIK MEYER organizational structure: our Central Logistics and Services Team supports the Brand Units wherever they can and centrally controls these aspects for all units behind the scenes, resulting in noticeable synergy effects and allowing our Brand Units to concentrate on what they do best: effectively marketing manufacturer brands.

Martin Linne

Head of Administration

Thomas Braun

Head of IT

Karin Ortwein

Head of Logistics

Martin Heß

Head of Return and Technical Services

Central Logistics and Services Team

Our crucial employees behind the scenes. Whether it's logistics, quality checks, workshop services, accounting, IT, import and export management or any necessary admin work: our Central Logistics and Services Team guarantees the efficiency and reliability of MUSIK MEYER on a daily basis.