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Here you can read all of the latest updates and key information on MUSIK MEYER Switzerland brands. Check out the latest news on new products and much more.
02/07/2025 More than an effect, an inspiration
01/28/2025 The LTD2025 is characterized by a particularly exquisite choice of wood and an extravagant colour scheme in "Antique Evergreen".
01/27/2025 We are pleased to announce the exciting collaboration between BLACKSTAR Amplification and Emergenza Festival.
01/23/2025 The update of a classic for guitarists and bassists
01/17/2025 At the NAMM Show 2025, KORG will be presenting two limited color variants of the Pitchblack X floor tuner as well as four turntable models from the…
01/16/2025 KORG presents the latest version of the KRONOS, the FISA SUPREMA C, the miniKORG 700Sm and the multi/poly module before the start of the NAMM Show…
01/16/2025 At the NAMM Show 2025 in California, VOX is unveiling the new Starstream Bass Generation, along with three limited-edition VOX AC amps and the world’s…
11/28/2024 DOD Electronics celebrates 50 years of sonic euphoria with the DOD ODP250 – 50th anniversary edition pedal. This limited edition pedal, assembled in…
11/26/2024 “Perfect for practicing! AGUILAR sound whenever inspiration strikes”
11/22/2024 Discover perfect sound with ZILDJIAN ALCHEM-E Perfect Tune headphones! Wireless, customizable, and equipped with two-step active noise cancellation…