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Here you can read all of the latest updates and key information on MUSIK MEYER Benelux brands. Check out the latest news on new products and much more.
04/18/2024 SCHECTER Guitar Research unveils its latest covert project - the PT Black Ops series.
04/17/2024 First-class sounds and excellent playability
04/05/2024 CORE ONE MUSIC by MUSIK MEYER presents the new German website for SCHECTER Guitar Research
03/12/2024 „Back to the Future“
03/06/2024 CORE ONE MUSIC by Musik Meyer has been awarded the “Schecter Distributor Excellence Award 2023” by SCHECTER Guitar Research.
03/05/2024 A workhorse for price-conscious players and ambitious beginners
03/04/2024 Aggressive - Organic - Stylish
01/29/2024 Don’t Fear the Dark!
01/11/2024 A nylon string acoustic for electric guitar players
01/08/2024 The new German-language website of the traditional Japanese manufacturer FGN (FUJIGEN) is now online!